5 Reasons Why Insurance Matters

May 01, 2020

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It’s tempting to question the value of insurance because it’s an intangible thing – it’s not like buying a car or a new pair of shoes. Instead, when you buy insurance you’re buying a promise. A promise that when something catastrophic happens to you or your livelihood, your insurance will help you get through by providing the financial security you need. Here are 5 reasons why we think insurance matters. Read more at Mortgage Express.

1. Peace of mind
No amount of money can replace your health and wellbeing or the role you play in your family. But with an insurance policy, you can at least have peace of mind knowing that if something happened to you, your family’s financial security is taken care of. 

2. A safety net
No matter what your financial position is today, an unexpected event can quickly unravel it all leaving you exposed to financial risk. Insurance is a safety net for when things go wrong ensuring that you and your family are covered should a catastrophic event occur.

3. Reduces stress
Unforeseen tragedies such as illness, injury or permanent disability, even death can leave you and your family facing tremendous emotional stress. With insurance in place, you and your family can focus on recovery and rebuilding your lives without having to worry about your finances.

4. Pay off debts and expenses
Should something happen to you or your livelihood, insurance will provide not only an income to cover everyday expenses but help pay off any outstanding debt like the mortgage, credit card and car loans. Expenses like medical or funeral costs can easily run into the tens of thousands of dollars – insurance removes the financial burden of these costs from your family.

5. Leaving a legacy
With a life insurance policy in place, your family is assured of an inheritance and a solid financial future to provide for any monetary needs that may arise, such as university costs, a car or even a deposit on a first home for your children.

None of us likes to think about accidents, illness and ageing. Thinking ahead and ensuring that you have the right insurance, can help protect your business, home, lifestyle and most importantly your family from the impact of major life events.

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