The auction method of sale provides sellers with the greatest opportunity to obtain ‘fair market value’ or a premium price for their property. An auction campaign also adds structure to the property listing and sale process and is regarded as the most effective way of marketing property for sale. Should an auction listing not sell during the auction campaign, the chances to sell the property soon after are dramatically increased due to the increased amount of buyer enquiry that’s generated through marketing for sale by auction. In addition to the benefits of being an ‘exclusive agency’, auctions have many other advantages which I would be very happy to discuss with you as well as the other potential methods of selling.
Winner of the 2015 Harcourts Most Promising Auctioneer of the Year and the 2015 REINZ Auctioneer with the Most Potential 2015, Sam has quickly made a name for himself and customers are raving…
For the last 7 years Jordan has been working as an auctioneer in his family business, one of Auckland’s leading inner city boutique brands specializing in selling top end real estate…
Australasian Auctioneering Champion! Andrew has proudly represented New Zealand as an auctioneer and is an integral member of the Harcourts Cooper and Co auctioneering team…
An award winning auctioneer, who defies apathy because when the bidders say no, he takes it to another level. If you are looking for an auctioneer who will leave no stone unturned…
Marshall Zhang works as a member of the successful Harcourts Cooper and Co Auction team and as the only Auctioneer with the ability to speak both English and Mandarin he provides…
Harcourt’s Cooper & Co are proud to have some of the country’s best auctioneers working exclusively for them and their clients. All auctioneers work closely with the consultant, they will meet the client to conduct a reserve and auction day strategy meeting and having 5 auctioneers means quite simply we can give the property the time and attention it deserves.
Harcourts Cooper & Co is the only company on the North Shore running weekly information evenings explaining the Auction process to buyers. We find an informed buyer is more comfortable participating at our Auctions which means that our Auctions have a higher success rate.
Join us every Thursday at 5:30pm
Harcourts Cooper & Co Takapuna Auction Room, 128 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna 0622
Some companies take away a vendor’s legal right to bid at Auction in New Zealand. Harcourts Cooper & Co leave this choice up to their clients. Harcourts Cooper & Co have faith in their clients understanding of the Auction process as they have been made fully aware of all aspects of the process.
Whilst all companies will say they can do on site Auctions, actions speak louder than words and clearly by their actions it is not their preference! Often agencies will get lured by the attractiveness of being able to call bulk numbers of Auctions in rooms at one time and from a time management perspective it is attractive. At Harcourts Cooper & Co we are fortunate to have the resources to offer both!
Ask any of our team what their point of difference is and each one will provide you with answers ranging from area specialist, to professional negotiator, to expert marketer. Some will offer the benefit of years in the industry and a track record of success while others newer to the business will be able to demonstrate skills attained in other industries that complement the real estate sales process. All Harcourts agents are Academy trained with access to the best real estate systems available. Other agents may say they are the best, Harcourts Cooper & Co agents will show you.
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